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Many Tricks' Time Sink isn't the only app that can keep track of what you do on your Mac, but it's certainly one of the easiest to use. If you need to keep track of billable hours, or just want to. July 16, 2019: Time Sink has been added to the game. Shatter Skills: Mesmers who are using the chronomancer specialization now receive new shatters that replace the four core shatters. Chronomancer shatters require at least 1 clone to activate, and unlike core shatters they do not replicate the shatter effect on the mesmer. Snagit 2018 1 – screen capture utility setup.

  1. Time Sink 2 16 Gauge

Overall, MMM Fingers 2 is pretty fun and a great time sink. MMM FINGERS 2 GAME REVIEW - ANDROID & IOS This is an important category, especially early in the job search, but it can also be a giant time sink.

A time sink (also timesink), time drain or time-waster[1] is an activity that consumes a significant amount of time, especially one which is seen as a wasteful way of spending it. Although it is unknown when the term was coined, it makes an analogy with heat sink.[2]

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In video games[edit]

In massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), time sinks are a method of increasing the time needed by players to do certain tasks, hopefully causing them to subscribe for longer periods of time.[3] Players may use the term disparagingly to describe a simplistic and time-consuming aspect of gameplay, possibly designed to keep players playing longer without significant benefit. Time sinks can also be used for other gameplay reasons, such as to help regenerate resources or monsters in the game world.

Time Sink 2 16

Negative connotations[edit]

Many players consider time sinks to be an inherently poor design decision, only included so that game companies can increase profits. For example, one Slashdot article describes time sinks as 'gameplay traps intended to waste your time and keep you playing longer'.[4] In most games, boring and lengthy parts of gameplay are merely an annoyance, but when used in subscription-based MMORPGs, where players are paying recurring fees for access to the game, they become a much more inflammatory issue. Game designers must be prudent in balancing efforts to produce both involving gameplay and the length of content that players expect.

Time sinks are often associated with hardcore games, though whether this is a positive or negative association depends on the context.


Implementing time sinks in a video game is a delicate balancing act. Excessive use of time sinks may cause players to stop playing. However, if not enough time sinks are implemented, players may feel the game is too short or too easy, causing them to abandon the game much sooner out of boredom. A number of criteria can be used to evaluate use of time sinks, such as frequency, length, and variety (both of the nature of the time sink and the actions taken to overcome it). What is considered a good balance depends in part on the type of game in question. Casual games are often expected to have less in the way of time sinks, and hardcore games to have more, though this is not a hard and fast rule.

A good timesink has you interacting with the game on some level, earning some level of enjoyment or moving the story along. It might be 'realistic', but keep in mind that you are trying to entertain people here and useless timesinks tend to do the opposite of entertain.

— Matt Miller,[3]

See also[edit]


  1. ^'time-waster' entry at Cambridge Dictionary
  2. ^Timesink from
  3. ^ abMiller, Matt. Timesinks,, 31 May 2010.
  4. ^Slashdot: 'EverQuest: What You Really Get From an Online Game', 27 December 2002.

External links[edit]

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Something that takes up a lot of time and produces few or no tangibleresults. Usually a website.
In general, a waste of time.
(Choose one: Facebook, MLIA, FML) is such a timesink.
Get a Timesink mug for your fish Vivek.
I couldn't careless (but one must keep up appearances, right?)
Frenemy has a family tragedy. 'Thoughts and prayers.'
Get the Thoughts and prayers neck gaiter and mug.
Something that takes a lot of your time and effort in order to be completed. Fequently used in MMORPGS to make customers play longer, thus making them pay more. Time sinks are very, very, very, very, very bad.
DAOC or Dark Age of Camelot is the king of the time sink.
I have been trying to level this artifact for the past 10 years. I love this time sink.
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A website that is interesting enough to lead office workers to spend lot of the company time surfing that site.
'The Urban Dictionary is one big time sink. I spent two hours on that site and didn't get any work done.
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A term used for videogames that require a great amount of time to be invested in them. A defining characteristic of a time sink is that due to the immersiveness of the game, the time spent playing these games feels small when in reality, the gamer has been playing for hours.
Do NOT play Civilization 4 or Oblivion. Those games are such time sinks that when you finsih, you'll be paying for your next game with your retirement checks.
Get a Time Sink mug for your mother-in-law Julia.
Anything which takes up a lot of your time. I can be homework, a diy project, a tv show, or even a ridiculously long nap. It can be enjoyable, or even productive, but it requiers sinking a lot of time into it.. therefore timesink.
I decided to start baking my own bread.. didn't realise it was such a timesink.
Mad Men is great, but it is such a timesink.
Get a timesink mug for your barber Vivek.
A person that is high maintenance, not from a financial viewpoint, but from an unacceptable demand on your time. Most often a client that requires an inordinate amount of hand-holding, explanations, or wooing.
I had to back away from that timesink. She was already into me for 8 hours before I wrote even one line of code.
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Oct 25 trending

Time Sink 2 16 Gauge

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